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The Lone Prairie Blog

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Julie R. Neidlinger

Bizarre requests involving Ice Castles.

grass coated in ice
Image © Julie R. Neidlinger. All rights reserved.

My sister makes some bizarre requests.

This morning I was awakened by the phone. She and the other ladies at the vet clinic in South Dakota where she works had a small electronic keyboard in the back office.

“Julie, can you play the theme from Ice Castles for us?”

“Mbtzt was that bmlipkr?” (I’m not a morning person, and I don’t wake up well.)

“You know, the theme from Ice Castles. I can’t remember how it goes.”

“(yawn) Why do you need to know how it goes?”

“We have a keyboard here and we’re reminiscing. Can you play it for us?”

“(grumble) Well I’ll have to go downstairs to the piano.”

“OK. We’ll wait.”

I stumbled downstairs in my pajamas, picked up the cordless and turned it on. I started to search through all of my piano books. I couldn’t find it.

“I can’t find the bloody book.”

“You’re on speaker phone, you know.”


I kept looking…and looking…

“Oh. Found it.”

I heard Janet turn her head at the vet clinic and holler "She found it!"

I put the phone on the piano music book ledge, found the song, and played the first page.

“Is that good enough?” I asked.

“Great! Thanks!”

And that was that. Yet another bizarre request from my sister Janet, which follows a pattern of bizarre requests that always come via the phone before I’m awake.


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