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Julie R. Neidlinger


decorative element

My name is Julie R. Neidlinger. The name of my business is Lone Prairie Art Works, which I have had since 1998. I am a writer, artist, and private pilot. My degree is in art and art history. 

My artistic style has varied over the years, evidenced at even a quick glance through the online art gallery. Colors tend to be strong and bright, lines bold, and subject matter varied.


I have done commissioned art in the past, but currently focus on creating images to be used in my own products, book covers, book illustrations, etc. 

see my work.

My art has been on display in different locations:


  • Angryman Cartoon on the TodayShow

  • Angryman Cartoon on BuzzFeed

  • Angryman Cartoon illustration in the Sales & Marketing Magazine (PDF)

  • Bismarck CVB/Tourism (available for purchase in shop)

  • Art Academy of Ohio: Chidlaw Gallery, "Booked: Contemporary Artist Books", (Cincinnati, OH).

  • Roland Dille Center for the Arts (Moorhead, MN)

  • Bismarck Art and Galleries Assoc. (Bismarck, ND)

  • Elsa Forde Gallery (BSC, Bismarck, ND)

  • Clairmont Center Gallery (UM, Bismarck, ND)

  • Heritage Arts Gallery (Michigan, ND)

  • Calvary United Methodist Church, large wall mural (Fargo, ND)

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